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photo via Nicole's blog isn't she so cute?! |
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Blog Party
Friday, January 27, 2012
And Then They Were Four
For those of you who do not know .. This is Layla. The rule for my siblings and I was that mom and dad would get us a dog if we wanted one after our freshman year in college when we were living on our own. I moved back to my hometown and was moving into my first house in June after my freshman year and I was so excited to have my own place and get a puppy. I was driving into the city from out where my mom and dad live and there is this old nasty run down antique/flee market building on the side of the road that had a sign up that said puppies in big red letters. I had to stop. I couldn't help it.
There was a room filled with portable baby beds and each one had different breeds of puppies. It was really sad. I had decided on this precious little yorkie and I was carrying it around in the room just kind of looking absently at the other dogs wishing I could rescue them all when I noticed this tiny little black furry thing in the pin with a bunch of chihuahuas. I had to pick her up {she was so itty bitty} and when I did she immediately nuzzled into my neck. I couldn't leave without her. {I did leave without the yorkie} so that is how Layla and I came to be.
Then ... 4 years later we were all living happily as a family of three {me, RT and Layla} and I downloaded the petfinder app. Not really looking for a dog but just cause I think puppies are cute to look at. And I found this...
Happy Friday!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Now -- on to what is important right now. I got some crazy awesome new sunglasses this weekend. {ok ok it really isn't important but I am excited about them nonetheless}.
How fun are these?!?
RT and I went to the mall on Saturday and we parked at a department store. The first counter when we walked in from the parking lot was the eyewear counter. I asked him if we could stop and take a look. I love sunglasses so much and I have been looking at round and also cateye frames. I tried on several pair and had widdled it down to these and some Tom Ford exaggerated cateye. From there I couldn't decide. They were so different. So we asked the sales person to hold them for us and we went on about perusing the mall. I knew we would have to pass back by on our way to the car when we left. I figured I could think it over and make a decision then.
I ended up with these because 1.. they were more distinct and 2.. they just felt more like me. I loved the cateye as well but they were a more preppy look. I wish I could have gotten both but birthday mullah allotted for one pair {ha!}. I am so excited!! I love them!!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Wonderful Weekend
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Top: Mink Pink Skirt: BCBG Tights: ModCloth Shoes: Steve Madden |
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RT wanted his picture taken too but then he got shy ha! |
Friday, January 20, 2012
Happy Birthday Blog
I have always been a mega blog reader and at some point I just had the though "why don't I do that?" So I did and it has been a wonderful year.
For me, this is a hobby. It is a creative outlet. It is a way for me to showcase my love of all things fashion. Clothes. Shoes. Makeup. Accessories. All of it. It is a journal of sorts.
I began the blog showing pictures of outfits followed by descriptions of the fashion. But I found myself wanting more from the blog as a whole. So ... I asked myself "what is it about the blogs that you love that makes you want to read them over and over?" I realized it is people's stories. I love to look at the pictures of outfits but I want the words to be about real life. Whether that be happy or sad or funny or crazy. It doesn't matter. It is others' experiences that rope me into to what they have to say. I began reworking my blog. I want it to be a fashion blog first and foremost but I now include who I am. I love it.
In honor of today I have chosen my favorite post so far, What Matters, and 10 pictures from throughout the year.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
In a Nutshell
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Top: Trash & Luxury Jacket: Rory Beca Pants: Blank NYC Shoes: Gianni Bini Belt: Urban Outfitters |
So what does a day in my life look like?
6am-6:30am: Alarm goes off. UUUGGGHHH! No! I don't want to get up! I am still tired! OOKKK fine! I'm up!
7am: Start my workout. I have recently started going to a barre class. I love it! It is such a good workout and it targets muscles in a way I have never done before. I do that three mornings a week and then 2-3 mornings a week I tie Zoey's leash around my waist and we run throughout our neighborhood.
8:15am: Jump in the shower.
8:30am: Start cooking breakfast. I am a girl who does not skip a meal. RT and I eat eggs of some sort most mornings that he is home. If he is not home, I usually make oatmeal or something like that.
9:30am: Leave the house to head to work. Usually I am running around like a crazy person because, for some reason, I always think I am late even though leaving the house at 9:30 gives me about an extra ten minutes more than I actually need to get to work on time.
10am-6pm: Work. Work. Work. I work at a super cute women's clothing boutique and basically my job rocks!!
6:15pm: Get home and say hi to RT and Zoey (Layla gets to come to work with me).
6:30pm: Start cooking dinner.
7pm-8pm: Eat dinner and watch a few of the 282,362,930,139,120 that we DVR every week.
9pm-10pm: Night night termite. To most of you I am sure that sounds really early. RT complains that only old people and young children go to bed that early. But I am more of a morning person and I find it quite glorious to get in bed early and get a good night's sleep.
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Clarification and the Golden Globes
The point of the post was to talk about my realistic expectations for my marriage. I know that I am not going to be blissfully happy every second of the rest of my life with RT but I also know that God planned for us to be married and to live our lives as one with Him. Therefore I know that we will have a mostly happy, and strong marriage that will only continue to grow and get better.
That was the first time I have ever posted anything thoughtful and internal so I think it caught people off guard. But I loved it and I will write more meaningful posts in the future for sure. For me, it is cleansing and it keeps my blog from being monotonous and shallow.
Now ... moving on ...
The 2012 Golden Globes presented us with tons of nude colored dresses and sheer full skirts galore. Here are my best and worst dressed ... for your enojoyment.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Fairytale Lies
I want you to know that this post is nothing like anything I have ever posted before. More real. More raw. More Christian. Much more wordy. It is what is heavy on my heart right now.
This is my husband, RT. He is kind. He is sweet. He is helpful. He is honest. He is brave. He is cute. He is protective. He is so many good things. |
Yesterday, my friend Alicia linked this article to her Facebook. (read it now. before you read anymore of this post. it really is awesome) She might as well have sent it in a message straight to me. After reading it, I literally felt like the writer, Timothy Keller, had written the article to me personally. This is, of course, not the case but coming out on the other side of an exceptionally unpleasant argument with my husband, Keller's words applied pointedly to my current situation.
The basic point of the article, You Never Marry the Right Person, is that "no two people are compatible." (Keller). We will, without a doubt, let each other down time and time again. No matter how much we love each other. Afterall, "why would neurotic, selfish, immature people suddenly become angels when they fall in love?" (Keller). Because, whether you want to admit it or not, those words describe you. I know they describe me. As humans we are flawed. We are sinners. There is no way around it and "sin explains why marriage is so painful and hard." (Keller).
I am, in general, a very happy person. A glass-half-full kind of girl. Until I am not. I often visualize my happiness like a balloon filled with helium. The balloon is up and flying high and everything is all hunky dory until someone comes by with a needle and pops it. There is no gradual change from happy to sad. It happens instantly. The balloon ceases to exist entirely. Not that there isn't an infinite amount of balloons but the next one must then be filled with helium and, well, sometimes that takes longer than others. You see my happiness relies solely on other people. Mainly RT. I know that that is completely unfair and way too huge a burden for my husband to have to carry. I get that. No need to tell me. I am honestly trying to change and progress is being made little by little but it is a long hard road to travel. It helps me to remember that "destructive to marriage is the self-fulfilling ethic that assumes marriage and the family are primarily institutions of personal fulfillment necessary for us to become "whole" and happy." (Hauerwas, Keller). I have to learn to rely on the truth that only God can make me "whole" and happy. It is hard though because, like I said, I am flawed. I am a sinner.
In Sara Bareilles' song Fairytale she sings, "Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom -- man made up a story said that I should believe him -- go and tell your white knight that he's handsome in hindsight -- but I don't want the next best thing -- so I sing and hold my head down and I break these walls round me -- can't take no more of your fairytale love." Girls start hearing fairytales from the beginning of our lives. First in storybooks and cartoon movies, then in love song, love stories, and romantic comedies. I love a sappy love story as much as anyone else but it is important to remember that that isn't reality. The hard times last longer than the 15 minutes allotted to them in the movies. There is no perfectly chosen background music in real life. That perfect line is never said exactly how you dream it will be. Poor RT. No one wrote him a script telling him exactly what and when to say and do. The idea of a fairytale love/life is no more real than the one eyed monster who may or may not be lingering in your closet at night. Real life can be hard and messy and sad and hurtful and mean. It isn't always like that but it can be and for sure will be at times.
I believe that God wants us to experience happiness but I don't think he created the institution of marriage to make us happy. I don't think he planned for RT and I to get married so that we would make each other happy for the rest of our lives. I believe that God blessed me with my husband to make me holy. To bring me closer to Him. To test my patience and to test my faith. "The gospel is -- we are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared to believe, and at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared to hope. Love without truth is sentimentality; it supports and affirms us but keeps us in denial about our flaws. Truth without love is harshness; it gives us information but in such a way that we cannot really hear it. God's saving love in Christ, however, is marked by both radical truthfulness about who we are and also radical, unconditional commitment to us." (Keller). What an exceptional example for us to follow.
So that is my goal for my marriage. To realize that it is going to be hard sometimes. To know that RT is just as much a flawed sinner as I am and irrational expectations of anything more than that will only hurt my marriage and disappoint me. My marriage is the most important earthly relationship I will ever have. Period. I need to know God's truth and follow His example. The good times will, inevitably, outweigh the hard but it will take insanely hard work to tackle all of the craziness that will come our way. But I know RT and I know his commitment to the Lord and to me and so, I know we will work through life together. As a team. The three if us.
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, January 9, 2012
I am Blank Because
Top: JCrew Sweater: Lucca Couture Tutu: American Apparel Tights: Spanx Wedges: Mossimo |
I am weird because ...
- I am a grown woman and still find it perfectly acceptable to wear a tutu for daily attire. Tutus are happy. Enough said.
- I am neurotically organized. I think it stems from my anxiety disorder but I keep everything in order and in a specific place. I am an organizational freak.
- Cold, rainy/snowy, dark days (like today) are my favorite. I am a lover of all seasons but nothing is cozier that a cold dreary day.
- I suck big time at returning phone calls and texts. I usually get around to returning texts at some point but often I completely forget to call people back. I don't do it on purpose. It is absolutely innocent but still rude.
- I am a home body. Most of the time, when I leave work at the end of the day, all I want to do is go home, cook dinner and hang out with RT and the dogs.
- I am guarded. I have been burned by so many friends in the past that it is really hard for me to open up, let people in and learn to trust them. My girlfriends that I have now rock though so that isn't a current issue.
- I am as loyal as they come. Once I do open up and truly become friends with someone, I will stick by them through just about anything.
- I am super protective of the people I care about. Nothing irritates me more than to see someone screwing with one of my friends.
- Like I said, I am a go with the flow type, so I'm basically up for whatever whenever. This makes me incredibly easy make plans with.
- RT is working overtime. Two days in a row is just a lot. It is hard to complain though because he is working hard to take care of his family. Much appreciated!
- My feelings are hurt. I am in one of those situations where I blame myself because I can't expect people to read my mind but it still makes me sad ya know?
- I started going to this awesome new workout class with my cousin and she is a fun workout buddy but she doesn't live here and she is going back home today. Now I will have to go by myself :(.
- It is cold and raining today. It has been ridiculously warm here in TX and, though 70s and sunny is beautiful, it is winter people! It is the cold time of year. We don't get that much cold anyway so I have to enjoy it while I can.
- It is Monday! This sounds opposite but I love my job. It is fun so I like work days.
- We have Pandora at the store now so we get to choose the music and now I spend my days listening to tons of awesome new music.
- I was promoted to manager at work and I am over the moon about it! So excited to take on more responsibility and to have the opportunity to learn more about the business I am in!!!
- Our new location. Seriously you guys! It is gorgeous.
- The new workout class I have been going to. I have only been twice but it is fun and it is such a good workout. I am a runner normally so I thought I had strong legs but this class makes me shake really really bad! I have problems with my knees and it is low impact so that is even better.
Friday, January 6, 2012
25 Years Down
can you say "hair dye"? that pink is looking FADED! |
I grew up with a huge, loving family. Both of my parents were born and raised here and so all of my extended family has been a large part of my life. My parents rock. They have been such amazing examples of who I want to be. They taught us what it looks like to be Godly adults who are dedicated to their family and their work. They both started their own businesses, following their individual passions, and let us know that it is important to do what you love. You spend so much of your life at work. You have to love what you do. Being grown and married now I think the most influential thing my parents did for me was put their marriage first. I don't have children yet so I can't imagine how hard it is not to always put them first but my parents made it clear through their relationship with each other that they came before us. We wouldn't exist without them after all. So thank you mom and dad. You guys gave me the best childhood I think anyone could ever dream of. You are both such a blessing to me. I love you!
I have pretty rad siblings too. I'm not saying we didn't fight. All siblings fight right? But at the end of the day they were always the ones I wanted to be with the most. I am the youngest of the three so I naturally thought they were the coolest people in the world. But, honestly, I still think that about them. We are all so different and are in really different places in our lives but I still feel so lucky to have the sister and brother that I do. Not to mention that they both married people that came around really early in my life and so I got to grow up with them too. Jason and Tara feel just as much like sibling to me as Audrey and Martin do. And don't even get me started on the nieces and nephews they have given me. Seriously! It's the best thing they have ever done for me :) (ha!)I love you guys!
And now ... for the last several years ... I have RT. He has made me realize that God seriously picks just the right person for you to spend your life with. He and I just fit together. I can't really explain it. We spend everyday working toward being a better us and I love (almost) every second of it. Again, I am not trying to say things are perfect. They are not. Nothing/nobody is. But he is the only one I would want to trudge through this imperfect life with. We will just spend it learning. I love you hunny!
isn't our yard dog cute?! we might be a tiny dog obsessed... |
Top: Mcginn Turtleneck: Mossimo Pants: Blank NYC Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (of course) |
Happy weekend!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
It's an Obsession
These beauties are the "Zinger." My parents gave them to me for Christmas (thanks mom and dad!). So far I have worn them twice. On NYE and I just so happen to have them on right this minute. I am at work. Looking all kinds of stylish in my awesome new wedges :)
This is the "Lita" is grey suede. The story behind how I ended up with these is mildly embarassing and I am not going to tell it right now. Maybe later. Maybe.
They are also new. I got them in the mail about a week ago.
And this wonderul fabulous incredible pair are the "Lita Fur" in black white. RT gave them to me for Christmas (thanks hunny!). I had been drooling over them for months and just hadn't bought them yet. It was a complete surprise. He knows me so well! The embarassing story about the grey suede involves this pair too ... I will leave it at that.
I haven't worn them yet but tomorrow is my birthday (25!) and I have a special outfit picked out around these zebra wonders.
So ... to sum up this post ... I love Jeffrey Campbell and you should too!
Happy Thursday!