Friday, December 27, 2013

calling all santa tees and red sweaters

top: pj salvage
sweater: patterson j kincaid
skirt: soft joie
shoes: converse
hey guys! hope everybody had an awesome Christmas! we sure did .. we went up to ok for a couple of days to celebrate with RTs side of the family and then came back to town on Christmas Eve to hang with my side

we ate lots of good food .. watched lots of gifts get torn into .. had lots of good conversation .. and ended the whole shoobang with a pretty killer game of hide and seek during which my three year old nephew would hide and then when you called out "ready or not here i come" he would respond by enthusiastically calling back "i'm under the bed!!" or wherever it is he happened to be .. so hilarious!!

i wore this extra comfy outfit on Christmas day going for festive and practical all at the same time. i just recently bought this crazy soft skirt at the hoop and throwing it on with my trusty chucks .. santa t .. and bright red sweater .. i was ready for whatever the day had to offer :)

then i spent yesterday getting things put away .. the house cleaned .. the laundry washed dried and put away .. and all of baby girl pack's things boxed up and ready to move to our new digs

t minus ten days until the big move

happy friday!!

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