Wednesday, January 9, 2013

funny story

right before we went on the disney cruise with my family over thanksgiving .. i called our credit card company to let them know we would be out of the country

i was asked by the automated service to enter my account number and when i did i was immediately transferred to the fraudulent chargers department .. WHAT?!?

the representative that i talked to was a really nice young guy {i think his name was jeremy} in florida. he told me that there was one charge that had been flagged as possible fraudulent activity and that he would look it up for me

as he searched his computer data he explained to me that this probably wouldn't be an issue since it was just one charge but it is better to be safe than sorry. i agree completely jeremy :) we engaged in some random small talk about the difference in weather in TX and FL until ..

ok here it is i see it .. jeremy said .. it was in october .. it looks like it was a purchase made at .. ummm .. haha .. well umm .. it was a purchase made at umm .. haha

i busted out laughing is a clothing, shoes and accessories website
here was poor jeremy thinking all things raunchy when in reality it was simply the purchase of a top and a skirt that i happen to really love

i didn't explain all that to him though .. i just laughed and said yep that was me .. it's a legitimate charge

it's important to just let things be hilariously awkward sometimes don't you think??

anyway .. nasty gal just came out with their january lookbook and it is right up my ally!! all neon and geometric prints and awesomeness!! here is a link so you can see it yourself but i also wanted to highlight some of my favorites ..

**all pictures taken from nastygal january lookbook (link)**

happy wednesday!!

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