our first Christmas with the littlest has come and gone
it was great!!
even though she is way too little to know was Christmas .. there is still something so magical about Christmas with a baby
this is and has always been my most favorite time of year but it was even better now that we have her :)
RT had to work on Christmas eve so the littlest and i went out to my parents' house early that morning
we hung out with my parents and my sister and her family that day
went to church that afternoon
and then had dinner and went to bed early in anticipation of santa and all of the festivities of the next day
on Christmas morning my nieces and nephews woke up early and while the littlest continued to sleep i watched them go through their stockings and open their gifts
baby girl and i waited to open until RT got there when he got off work
we went to my aunt and uncle's house for lunch and spent the afternoon with all of my extended family
afterward we headed to OK to visit RT's family
we celebrated with our immediate family on his side that night and then with his extended family at his grandmother's house the next day
it worked out perfect this year because we were able to participate in everything that both sides of our families were doing!!
we stayed the rest of the weekend in OK and on saturday morning we woke up to several inches of snow on the ground and the biggest most beautiful snowflakes you have ever seen falling from the sky
snow is one of my favorite things in the world so i was beyond excited for the littlest to see it for the first time
she is a baby so she really didn't care other than the fact that she doesn't like her fleece full body coat thing {ha!}
we came home yesterday and i am now working on getting unpacked .. getting everything put away .. and doing the laundry
it was a fabulous Christmas and now i can start looking forward to next year {ha!}
happy monday!!